Good Community Is Community That Works For Everyone

3 min readMar 31, 2022


Good community doesn’t happen in a vacuum, and growth — as an industry, company, or personal — needs input and guidance, and nurturing from all angles.

We want to thank everyone we’ve worked with — every game designer, artist, illustrator, engineer, producer, sound designer, and more — who have shared their knowledge and experiences with us to help us build new worlds at FarBridge. We’ve also had the honor to collaborate with some truly great organizations that are working to make our industries and the world at large a more inclusive and empowering space. Join us in uplifting and celebrating the next generation of women in gaming and tech by getting to know and supporting these organizations we’ve had the pleasure of working with in the past and offer programs to help uplift folks of marginalized genders:

Image provided by Latinitas


Latinita’s Code Chica is a free 8-week session for 8th-12th grade girls to help them gain knowledge about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in order to help them create their own website and explore careers in computer science, engineering, and more. We’ve had the opportunity to participate in Code Chica pre-pandemic and couldn’t emphasize enough how important this program is for our local community. Since 2019, Latinitas has delivered 12 Code Chica cohorts, 8 week-long sessions, graduating a total of 117 students!

Image provided by Code Coven

Code Coven

Code Coven’s Introduction to Game Making is an 8-week course introducing students to game development using Unreal and Unity. This prepares students to evolve the games industry, giving them the tools to negotiate a better future for themselves and their peers. Code Coven’s courses are set to be safe spaces for marginalized individuals who are traditionally shut out of the industry. As such, this course is open exclusively to people of marginalized genders, including trans/cis women, trans men, and nonbinary and gender non-conforming people.

FarBridge is excited to see Code Coven’s growing impact on the industry at large. We’ve been fortunate to work with folks who’ve completed the Code Coven program successfully and have seen them move up and ahead smoothly in their careers. Being able to support the springboard of Code Coven programs by being a landing spot for folks entering the industry is part of what makes our community great.

A snapshot from the 2018 FarBridge Town Hall

New Heights Consulting

New Heights Academic & Leadership Consulting provides training, consultation, and coaching that inspires greatness. They work to unlock the world’s talent using the powers of empathy, self-awareness, and accountability, with the goal of producing 21st-century leaders that can conquer the demands of the future individually, professionally, & globally.

FarBridge has worked with New Heights in the past to run our company “Town Hall,” which helped us connect with like-valued folks who are set on building better futures for all humankind. More recently Joy Stephens (Chief Consultant at New Heights Consulting) has worked directly with FarBridge leadership, with a focus on career development and healthy company culture.

And Beyond!

These are just some of the great organizations and companies we have had the honor to work within our five years as FarBridge. We’re looking forward to highlighting even more folks and partners we think everyone should get to know in the coming months, as we continue to dive into what makes our community of game developers and creators of immersive experiences awesome and welcoming for everyone!




Worlds You Can Get Lost In. FarBridge creates games and immersive experiences that take you to places you’ve never been before.